Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh
Namaste Priya Ganapati, Beautiful Warrior of the Mother, Knight of Her Harmony Which will only be attained When mankind Will be Truthful… Aum Ganesha (08-10-15)
* 2-183
Namaste Sri Ganesh, Son and Bearer of the Shakti And Guardian at Her Feet, You can be so unobtrusive
At Her Service And you can be An obstacle That leads To Her Way… Aum Ganesha (20-10-15)
* 2-184
Namaste Sri Ganesh At once Austere and Splendid You appear, And Agni is your Twin And the Mother Of the Worlds Sends you forth To watch and to protect And to cheer And, sometimes, To Guard… Aum Namo Bhagavate (05-11-15)
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