Rout or passage
Where did the first carrier sign or gesture occur?
What was its intention?
There is of course, since man exists upon this Earth, the crooked deceit, the cunning and ruse and covetous greed – thus has rectitude always been measured, thus has dignity always commanded respect, thus has honor somehow and somewhere always been preserved, for the very survival of the group.
Then when one had to scrap and skirmish and tussle and war and learn to crush, vanquish, beat and dominate as a means to defend the tribe and settle, stratagems became legitimate: treachery, dissembling, the use of lure and decoy had to, parallel to bravery and heroism, be cultivated.
In order to gain exclusive control of riches and resources, one had to willy-nilly complement audacity with calculation, intrepidity with craftiness and adventurousness with evaluation.
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