Rout or passage
To find the passage, or to begin all over again
To affirm and to serve the path of progress and the discovery of the One – or to accept the ineluctability of misery and death? To learn and unite, in the very perception and experience of the body itself, with the One who loves and who sees – or to reason and submit to the inevitable and, in the meantime, to do the best one can? To learn and lay one by on e into the fire of the Vast all of one’s personal needs, whatever they may be, to make room for one’s re melting into a free servitor – or to retain and hold what one can as long as one can on the uncontrollable flux of phenomena?
This aged toothless man, is that what you see?
This dented skeleton in a bag of loosened wilted skin?
Then let me apologize for imposing this sight on you.
The dominant, prevailing feeling in corporeal existence is that of security.
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