INDIA-2001 encyclopedia
Mathsyaavathaara or 'fish incarnation' refers to the ancient legend of the fish and the deluge wherein Manu embarked in a ship with, the rishis with the seeds of all existing things. Kurmaavathaara or the 'tortoise incar- nation' arrived to support the mount Man-dara- that had started sinking during the Samudra-manthana or churning of the ocean. Varaahaavathaara or the 'boar incarna- tion' arrived to kill the demon Hiranyaksha and it lifted the earth out of the flood waters in which it had been submerged. It is also a symbolic representation of saving the world from the 'deluge of sin'. Narasimhaavathaara or the 'man-lion incarnation', is a combination of man (the best of higher creatures) and the lion (the best of lower creatures) representing the embodiment of valour. He saved Prahlad the great child devotee from the oppression and torture by his father, the demon Hiran-yakasipu. Vaamanavathaara or the 'dwarf incar- nation' is connected to the legend of Bali. He approached Bali for gift of land and cov- ered the three worlds with three big steps. The next five incarnations are in the human form. Parasuraama exterminated the tyranni- cal among the kshatriyas who were op- pressing the people. The story of Raamaavathaara has now become an immortal epic — Ramayana. Refer Sec. F-Religions Page F-40, F-44. Krishnaavathaara is considered Poor-naavathaara— the incarnation in total as Krishna is the supreme statesman, warrior, hero, philosopher and teacher, God himself. He is the expounder of the 'Bhagavad Gitd'. Buddhaavathaara or the incarnation of Buddha though "originally foreign to the cycle of the Avataras" was however incor- porated as the ninth avatara as Buddha rep- resented the enlightenment of the humans. Kalkiavataara has yet to come to 'inau- gurate a reign of universal goodness, peace and prosperity. At the end of the Kali Yuga this incarnation bearing the name of Kalki will arrive 'to put an end to wickedness, and establish a kingdom of righteousness'. This avathaara represents the hope for wiping out the suppression, oppression and evil and establish the 'kingdom of truth.'
"Whenever, O descendent of Bharat, there is decline of Dharma and rise of Adharma, then I incarnate Myself."
GOD'S MANIFESTATION IN LIFE FORM Par'ashuraamdavathaara Vaamanaavathaara
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