Passage - Ceramics at the Hyatt, Chennai
P otters do not destroy--cut away—in order to reveal a hidden form. We create by addition. We build from the ground up.
Village Potter, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu
This is a project monograph. The story is singular. These images present the growth of an idea that has established a refuge where mind, form and spirit celebrate the richness of ceramic art in an informal, outdoor setting. It is our hope that this is the beginning of a unique collection of stoneware sculpture, not just in Chennai but in the wider world. This story began in 1971, when Deborah Smith and Ray Meeker started the Golden Bridge Pottery in a 10 x 20 ft. keet shed in Pondicherry. November. 2008. Gallery Nature Morte. New Delhi. Rajeev Sethi purchases three large pieces from Ray’s show, All the Kings Horses… , and then suggests that he join him to co - curate ceramic art for a new Hyatt Regency Hotel coming up in Chennai. He adds that he would like Ray to collaborate with Site Concepts International of Singapore to redesign the lanscape on the pool deck as well.
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