Passage - Ceramics at the Hyatt, Chennai
Aarti Vir New India Pottery Hyderabad
Living, learning, pausing, making, firing, traveling, seeing, learning, connecting, learning… Living. The dots were inspired by the aboriginal art I saw while in Australia in 2008. Much in the way that life unfolds, the dots move, first one way, then another, dancing along, moving forwards, looping back, rarely in a linear march ahead, but always in motion. As my life unfolds, organically, responding to circumstances and changing with them, so too does my work. Sometimes forms repeat themselves after having been forgotten for years; sometimes a particular method of mark - making carries on even as the form and content change; sometimes the work addresses an interior life, sometimes an external concern; always it is a means to communicate. In the Hyatt project, on pillars made in Ray Meeker’s GBP studio, I poured thick slips over the pillars, then painted the dots, again in slip, and after waxing out those dots I poured again, this time with glaze. Ray’s team fired the pillars in his 140 - cubic - foot wood - fired kiln to 1300 degrees centigrade.
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