My experience of Satprem
representative at Her feet, would later write on this Egypt which lived on within us – even featuring Françoise there, in an antagonistic role, which she eventually would indeed play out, after Mother’s withdrawal. And this very ambivalent assignation of the roles, in a state of consciousness wherein, even so near to the Light of Unity, survive with renewed vigor the archetypes which pursued and haunted and governed us through the ages with their drama of the division and the adversity and their insatiable consumption of human energy, - this ambivalence would soon be revived and almost newly legitimized in a kind of collective tangent of which Satprem would be for several years a central figure.) Fabienne only arrived the next day or the day after and joined me in a Guest- House which had been recommended for its discretion - and its tolerance of these foreign uncouth ignorant newcomers, I suppose; I think it was called “Standard Guest-House”, a few buildings away only, down Nehru Street. Ignorant I surely was; and in particular, altogether unaware of the attention which my relationship with Fabienne would draw – she the darling youngest, observed by all. While in Paris, Fabienne used to take intensive ballet classes and here in the Ashram Françoise would give dance classes in her home in the evening; she had converted part of her sitting-room, with artful geometrical partitions in pastel colors, so she could practice. Both of them, Fabienne a girl of barely 17 and Françoise a blooming woman of 40 or so, emanated a remarkable physical grace; Fabienne’s face was more byzantine, with a smile which animated it entirely, a smile one could not forget. In the days that followed, Fabienne introduced me to various places and people. She told me about Satprem, “a sweet, little older man with a rose luminous complexion and blue eyes, very tranquil…”. And, at the close of one day, she took me to him, where he had come to sit, as he did every day at that hour, on the low wall edging the Cours Chabrol from the beach below, gazing at the expanse of the ocean before him.
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