My experience of Satprem
Which role?
More than anything and more than all the others, Satprem’s role is that of an Awakener. He wants to shake the souls out of the collective hypnosis of all these ages, he wants to remind them of the one real and essential need: to be, at last, to exist, free and filled and whole… He wants to shake them out of this trance of living death that forces them to ceaselessly try and fill the abysms of the absence with endless subterfuges. Lover and adorer of India eternal, of the Sanatana Dharma of the incarnate consciousness, it is with distress and with wrath that he has drawn the chronicle of the betrayals that have been inflicted on Her by Her own inheritors. But one can truly only place Satprem’s cry in a perspective that is directly essential. What is the veritable meaning of this neutral, naked instant, bare of all formations, of all constructions, of all wills, this instant of questioning: why the existence, why this whole charade, if it is not for fulfilled freedom, fulfilled joy and infinite love and the answer forever…? And it is indeed in this role of Awakener that Mother nourished him, Mother who would take each soul in Her arms, who would find in each soul the Supreme whom She served with all Her Force… It is in this role that She protected him, that Her Grace constantly looked after all details and all necessities, as She does for each one of Her children on this path of change and becoming.
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