My experience of Satprem
We are not ready nor prepared to melt, to be undone into That which IS.
For, more than anything, it is to the features of our separate identity that we cling, rather than abandoning ourselves with trust and, rejoining the immensity of our One Source, to be recast and reformed by the measure of the Plenitude, the Wholeness and the Unlimited…
Mother, on Her part, had done all the yoga. She had realized, in Her consciousness and in Her individual being, the union entire and unassailable with this sovereign State. There was in Her nothing left of the small humanity which fears and wants and clings: She was the Mother and Her inexhaustible Force was all Love and Grace. In Her had joined the great eternal Shakti and the illumined human Person, so that each one, coming near Her, could recognize Her, could know Who She was.
Thus, to serve Them, Sri Aurobindo and Her, Satprem has tried – he has given his trust and his faith and his need and all he had ever been, he has given it all, there, day after day, all these years, simply and solely so that there might open a passage which could be used between the two states.
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