My experience of Satprem
Sharing the way…?
There were moments when I was struggling not to be overwhelmed and when I would question just about everything. And in those moments particularly I would have wished to be working nearer to Satprem, because near him there was more intelligence, more fire, more thrust and a higher quality than whatever we were then able to share in Auroville. D.B, friend and neighbor, used to come and go between Auroville and “the hills” where he participated in the work of translating the Agenda. I had entrusted him with a note for Satprem, without much hope I must say. Meanwhile JM.B had on his side taken to the hills our envelope containing all the monies we had been able to collect towards the Agenda work. The first one, very brief, was for me alone: “2-4-81. Divakar. I cannot receive anyone. There are too many tasks that are pressing and imperative. Each one must clarify oneself and Auroville must find its own solutions in the tranquil lucency of the soul. Fraternally, Satprem.” This was naturally a little painful, all the more as it was on the eve of my birthday that these answers reached us. The second reply, to the entire team and, by association, to all those who had participated in the fund-raising effort, was long and emphatic: When D.B returned this time he was bearing two replies from Satprem.
“April 2 nd , 1981. For Auroville % the Cooperative.
Friends and brothers. Jean Marie has handed me your large envelope for the Agenda. You cannot know how moved I have been, At once I went to lay this at Sri Aurobindo’s feet and I said to him: ‘You see, this, it is Auroville that gives for Mother’s work!’ You have done this with your heart, but you do not quite
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