My experience of Satprem

Once more, my sense was that Mother would have answered very differently and that this expectation of chaos as of a final confrontation did not really correspond to Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s work – Mother constantly choosing the way of a superior harmony, of a higher equilibrium… But I appreciated and I loved Satprem, and his movement of response and of sharing.

Things were getting further complicated on the ground as the SAS people maneuvered to buy loyalty from local workers or neighboring villagers.

And amongst Aurovilians, approaches often diverged and clashed.

For instance, certain disagreements had accumulated between M.D and the rest of the group in “Aspiration” and M.D had chosen to participate in such attempts as meeting with the Tamil Nadu Governor, without the full support of the others; a very conscientious worker at the service of the Agenda, he had also moved a little away, due to the demands of the work, from the moods of the clan and was learning to center himself and discover his own inner perception of things. This brought severe criticism upon him, along with accusations which were out of proportion with either his actions or his intentions. Knowing full well myself this kind of mis-understanding, or non-understanding, I sought to let Satprem pronounce about it, he for whom Michel had staked so much. Satprem, who had already expressed his distress upon learning of the treatment inflicted to Michel, soon replied: “August 23 rd, 80. Divakar, I felt the affection in your letter. Auroville is a long way, it is not a city. There are holes and bumps, there are yeses and no s, but onward we go. The important thing is to go on – not to be ‘right’ (or wrong). The reasons, to tell the truth, one couldn’t care less, and same goes for the wrongs – neither the ones nor the others can lead us there. Whatever may be the excellent reasons against M, I do not approve of them – these are reasons of the snail or of anything on two legs. But we are going somewhere else, aren’t we? I actually believe that the wrongs help more than the “rights” to go somewhere else, all taken in account. Are you able to read man’s heart? I have a horror of all judges, in any language, and if on top of it all they


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