My experience of Satprem
There was thus, too, the Matrimandir cause.
We had as our mission to build this body and this soul, this unique being, the Matrimandir, to serve the truth of Auroville. “The sooner it will be there, the better it will be, especially for the Aurovilians”, Mother had written. There were so few of us for such a formidable task and we had to fight on all fronts for the necessary funds to reach us, for the energies to collaborate and also to prevent any motivated influence to take hold of the “project” for its own profitable ends – for there was the danger of a “spiritual circus show” which no doubt would meet with success but would also effectively delay or postpone the action of a new consciousness. D.M was rather like my “gipsy sister”. She arrived every morning on her bicycle from her community in Kottakarai, always just a little late after having completed her domestic chores and always hastening to climb up the ladders to join the team already at work. I was in the habit to watch out and make sure everything was alright. The erection of tubular scaffolding, often at 15 or 18 meters height, required much attention, poise, agility and precision. That very morning I had left early with the Auroville bus to do the weekly purchases in town. I was walking down Nehru Street towards noon when I passed Ruud and Barbara who told me she had fallen. A fall of about 15 meters, her body violently swinging from one metal bar to the other till it landed dislocated on the foundation slab. She had been transported to the Jipmer hospital where everything was being tried to save her. On the 13 th of July 1976, D.M fell off the scaffolding.
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