My experience of Satprem
Where is Mother going?
But on November 17 th , we were nearing the end of the concreting and I stayed on, operating one of the vibrators to bring and compact the fresh concrete into the moulds of shuttering.
We finished at 7.25 pm.
The machines fell silent; in the glare of the flood-lights, all of us red-eyed and spattered with cement, our ears buzzing, but feeling as if accomplished, we checked the exact time: at 7.25 pm, on the 17 th of November the base of the sphere of Matrimandir was complete. In Matter. For the Mother’s Work. I returned late to the Guest-House, without having had the time to stop at the Samadhi.
Soon I fell asleep.
A voice called, awakening me: ‘Divakar, wake up, you must go at once to the Ashram, Mother has left Her body…!” It was Praveen’s voice; he had just heard the news: it was not yet 4 am.
This was an impossibility.
And yet it was a fact.
A few moments later I joined the line of those who were already there and we were directed to the ground-floor area where Mother used to give blessings so often in the 50s, till we reached the hall from which rose the stairs to Their apartments. On the right was Nolini’s room; on the left was a small space used for meditation, ceilinged by a sort of dome, with arches opening on two sides and clad with a layer of silvery metal sheet. There on a small narrow bed, Her back propped against pillows and Her head leaning forward and down with an expression of formidable will, tensed in a concentration almost fierce, lay… Mother? The Mother’s body…?
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