
And yet Roger, left to himself and his conscience, would not have been snared, even by his own creative enthusiasm; he was generous, a gatherer and charismatic inspiration always in movement, always attentive to the new forms to come, always loving beauty wherever it came from.

Groupisme is a virulent wound.

And so a day came when a decisive meeting took place; this time, the hall is in fact the old refectory of the Matrimandir workers, but it is enough since there are only two groups of people: the large table is reserved for the members of the Governing Board while the members of our administration and coordination team and a few others remain standing or perch themselves here and there. Kireet is speaking. He is a great orator and commands everyone‟s attention. The introduction is lengthy, but the act is brutal: he stretches his ar m and points his finger at me, “This man is the obstacle”. I am condemned and shot, right there, and they each and all have fired, all of these august figures, well respected and rightly esteemed in their respective domains, including the sweet Maharaja of Puri who later tries to console me by reminding me that, as the Bhagavat Gita says, it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice a truth to a greater truth. And soon enough we received the official orders signed by the Secretary to the Auroville Foundation. We were thanked and dismissed and legally replaced with better Aurovilians designated by the Authorities. A large part of the community had let itself be persuaded to accept this recourse, through a sustained campaign of defamation


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