
architect and a creator of environments, very keen on harmony as his law of conduct; his marble model had been rejected, but he was continuing to work assiduously with Piero on all the details of the Inner Room; and he still had hope that another, alternative and more wholesome solution could be found. How could I possibly, right there and then, explain to him how we were bound by the choice the community had made and could only strive to realize it with the greatest care and perfection we could achieve? My one and only hope, in my consciousness and commitment, was for a harmonious equilibrium which would establish the proportions between the spectacle and the real experience, through the completion of the gardens and park, this “most beautiful place in the world” of which Mother had dreamt as a child, within which this gold sphere could silently reveal itself. For this was not merely a matter of the object itself – the building, the edifice, the monument or the shrine, call it by whatever name -, but of a collective conduct, of a whole emotive and mental approach, of a whole understanding or view of its role and function, of its communication with the world and of a whole mode of development and manifestation. It was then that I realized to what extent still one can be torn between what the community chooses and what one feels deeper within oneself as necessary, right and open to the Truth that must become incarnate upon earth. How to reconcile the two experiences, the two aspirations, the two commitments – since the striving for the cohesion of the community and one‟s contribution of the goodwill necessary are part of our service to Auroville -, how to find their harmony?


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