
materials not only for the hundreds of discs, but for the inner translucent cover that would filter and unify the luminosity within the sphere, giving it the tint of rose orange of the Auroville hibiscus f lower chosen by Mother (“the beauty of supramental love”). One also would have to ensure a proper waterproofing of the entire building. Meanwhile, the question of the nature of the materials to be used was, in the world at large, taking on a charged significance, given the overall increase in toxic pollution emitted or released by most artificial materials in use, and the concern for choosing noble and harmless materials, durable and reliable, could not be ignored. And here we are, in this room I mentioned, as this matter has forcefully occupied our collective consciousness: the room vibrates with disagreement and discord and criticism, affirmation and recrimination; for some of our trials on site – such as the experimental manufacture of plastic translucent panels or polyester discs, which had had to be abandoned, had given rise, understandably, to anxiety and mistrust. A few of our Matrimandir team were seated at one end of the hall and at the other end, among many others, sat Paolo; there had been since long between Paolo and I a friendship that communicated effortlessly and he knew my sentiments and aspirations; and now, he was not understanding. And so, suddenly, across the room he addressed me directly, how could I support and defend this model!? Paolo was not an Aurovilian; he used to come and go between the Ashram and Italy since years, he had received from Mother, in Satprem‟s presence, Her first descriptions of the Inner Room, he had contributed actively to the creating of Her new apartments on the second floor of the Ashram main building with the balcony from which She would give Her darshans, he was an artist, an


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