
Here is the law of our path: there is none other.

Each of us is but an apprentice and will only become capable of true service when and once all ego will be abolished in one‟s nature: ego, this “bad fold” which was indispensable to the development of human consciousness, has served. Another being awaits us.


Now I shall narrate a few episodes which seem to me to reflect the currents and forces at play in our collective experience, such as I have lived them personally. The first one is set in the tim e of the “conflict” with the SAS (the Society which was de facto the owner of the lands of Auroville and responsible for the realization of the “project”, the legal representatives of which were receiving the donations made in the Mother‟s name) . A number of individuals had found themselves unwilling to join either “side” and, by affinity or out of pragmat ism, had assembled under the banner of “neutrality”: thus were they named the “neutrals”. It so happened that most of them had, by then, individually turned to a great Tantric master who had been well known and appreciated by Mother Herself, settled in Rameshwaram, generally known as Panditji. Mother had several times sent him one or the other of Her disciples, or “children” , so he could help them to discipline their lower nature and control their mental activity. She had Herself


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