
But, allying with the other deviations already indicated, the voluntary partisans of this sacred plan, unarguable since it is said to be of superior origin, however often it has been manipulated and remains as yet wholly insufficient for actual execution, have erected themselves as missionaries and zealous voices of the truth of Auroville; in this way, the society we physically form has become more and more subjected to a tearing apart of approaches, in place of the balancing tension that had so far saved us from getting mired in one excess or the other. One might suggest a seventh deviation, which would be, from the perspective of the Mother‟s Yoga, THE devi ation that allowed all the others to rise, but how to define the misery, the weakness and smallness and the attachment that have prevented us from giving ourselves entirely and unconditionally to the practice of Her indications? It is our arrogance, the arrogance of that which does not give itself, which has propelled us into a maze of false interpretations, this debilitating puppet show of quotes, the fake refinements of our denunciations and opportunistic ostracisms or successive hollow declarations of th e “failure” of Auroville (for in our wisdom we have already many times condemned Auroville to defeat and insignificance). This hoax of the ego within us all would thus be the cause of all our treasons and compromises, would it not?


“We want a race without ego.”


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