How to call It?
Does this ultimate Adversary exist separately from the One Source of all that is in all the worlds?
This Force which is so keenly bent on ruining the evolution, to undermine its terrain, to destroy its treasures, to crush, pervert and violate its children, this puissance that seems to exert itself on all sides and in each and all of us – be it in the plainest detail and anodyne gesture that somehow indirectly contribute to the defeat -, does it exist of its own right?
Or is it the final instrument of the decisive choice?
Must a greater power than its own protect the birth or emergence of the new being? Is it possible for the new consciousness, aware of the Truth and of the whole world at the same time, to incarnate sufficiently so as to develop its own puissance of action in Matter, before the negation that suffocates the earth may attain its ends?
Or is it rather that, behind this so convincing and effective mask of the Negation, one may at last find the One and Alone – and the transformative goal of all that is?
Yet it would suffice that one single drop of truth spreads and ripples throughout humanity this very day for each body, each individual being of its vast body in its billions to be made to sense and experience, directly and simply, without any drama or lecture, the concrete evidence of the One and the True – of That which loves truly, within each and all of us, within all that is.
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