How to call It?

However, even if we are personally liberated from mental and vital activities and their consequences, our physical life and consciousness are still engaged and inextricably linked with other persons, with material situations and necessities, with shared objects, routines and conventions which guarantee the order and harmony of the collective now. Wearing a material body and residents of this world, we are bound to participate in it every second, from the near to the far, from the immediate to the morrow. Beginning with the maintenance of one’s own personal corporeal existence, each of us is inevitably joined and related to the others and the physical world through a net, which is more or less loaded, complex and demanding, of diverse tasks and responsibilities. Be it to empty the waste bin, ride to the factory, the office or the school, clear out the pathway, feed the chicken or give a lecture, so long as breath moves this body, it is most probably the object of expectations and compelled to respond to them. Even more absorbing and determining is the action of the attacks, disharmonies, troubles, disorders, deficiencies, diseases and varied damages that come to affect the equilibrium of the physical person and force it to undergo, endure, accommodate, control, tolerate or fight a concrete adversity.

How to answer, how to conciliate the aspiration for the progress of the material consciousness, of the true consciousness in Matter, with the components of our actual physical human existence?


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