How to call It?

interests and transparent sharing of all knowledge and information.

Large scale afforestation.

Cleaning up and sanitizing of all rivers, oceans, poisoned lands and battlefields. Establishment of benevolent practices adapted to each region of the world.


In how many moments of our daily life do we realize, do we remember that we are part of a continuous whole, of an atomic, molecular, organic ensemble without a halt or a break ? Almost all of us most of the time believe ourselves to be independent and separate, actors and participants upon the world stage, autonomous distinct entities placed in their “exterior” environment. Yet, just as spiritual birth demonstrates to us the fallacy and illusion of all sense of separation, so the material realization of unity shows us the inanity of our arbitrary positioning within the universe. It is only the death of our bodies that snaps us back to the reality of the Fact. But our evolutionary future does necessitate, demand and imply the conscious realization of the actual continuum in all that is manifest, a concrete and powerful creative realization for those beings who will integrally serve the truth.


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