How to call It?
The trajectory
Because, you understand, the question is serious: if for the world to exist as it is, it has to be really separate, and if being really separate is the cause of all misery, then... Being humans, we can find nowhere the certainty or the reassurance of an absolute permanence; some formations, relative to our condition, seem to exist upon rhythms that are approaching permanence, such as stars – and yet even these realities emitting light and energy which we can find without fail at their determined station every single evening of our physical If we watch a squirrel, its activity seems frantic – does it never stop to rest? And yet the same constant, and necessary, activity takes place throughout our own body, at distinct and complementary rhythms, and the steady regular pulsations of our heart are perhaps similar to those of a sun for the cells of our liver. existence, even they, one day will explode, implode or disaggregate (or have already done so long ago).
Even the rock is not absolutely motionless. Even the earth’ revolution is not eternal: it is a matter of scale.
But it is in the domain of organic life that every activity seems the most bound to alternations of growth and degradation, of blossoming and decay, of birth and death.
We are now finding ourselves at this moment of the terrestrial history of mankind when even those great rhythms of nature, such as that of the seasons, which used to constitute for us the
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