How to call It?

Even when we succeed in overcoming an initial sublimation of the human figure and reach a state of impersonal consciousness, a kind of absolute existence beyond all form, lingers and persists in us still the enduring echo of a relational position, the vestige of a rapport, a polarity, a dialogue and an exchange: indeed we are constitutionally incapable of conceiving a love without subject or object – a free force which no power could ever dominate. And yet it may well be that this very same free force is actually the cause, the support and the aim, the primary, essential and ultimate energy of all that is.


And so, in this passage, wherein we are still blinded, towards a material presence which awaits us, which we divine and sense and sometimes feel and yet cannot show or prove or demonstrate in any way, this presence which will be for us the sentinel of a physical world to be yet discovered, where all the wounds and sorrows of our long ignorant separation will be dissolved in comprehension and plenitude – in this passage we must find the courage or the fortitude or the faith or the endurance or the humility we need to accept this misery of our bodies, still so precarious and vulnerable.

When we are “normal”, in a condition of ordinary “good health”, we enjoy a state of carefree comfort which most of the time we do not even value, so long as we are not placed in the presence of less fortunate bodies.


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