How to call It?
Words spoken by Mother
The following conversation, recorded by Sujata and Satprem in the Mother’s Agenda, presents one of the many occasions when Mother met with the great contradiction, this contradiction de facto, as if inscribed in Matter itself, which seems to render for ever impossible a real and actual transformation of physical and material nature - its passage or its accession to a more conscious and sovereign state, relieved from the necessity of death and egoism. October 26, 1968 I have nothing to say. I can speak, but I have nothing to say! Are you all right? I hardly cough anymore.... But I have nothing to say. (silence) This physical, this physical consciousness (I don’t think it’s a personal physical consciousness), the general physical consciousness was, in this body, seized with such a pity, oh!... I can’t say "pity"... it’s something very special: a very intimate, very tender compassion for the human physical condition. But it seized me in massive proportions! Nothing else remained in the consciousness, and if I hadn’t controlled it, I would have started crying and crying.... That has been the dominant note of these last few days. And as if underneath, as if coming from the depths, beneath, the perception of this Compassion – the divine Compassion – the perception of the way the thing is seen and felt by the Divine.... That was wonderful. It really was a dominant note. And there are so to speak no contradictions from outside – I don’t see many people: among them, there is only ONE person, one person who lives in a joyous consciousness. Only one among all the people I know. Even then, it’s because that person lives in a very harmonious vital-mental consciousness and is contented.... Besides, I feel that if one were to scratch a little... [the person’s joy would vanish]. Yes, the condition of human bodies is very miserable. It’s miserable.
Yes, very much so. It’s really miserable.
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