How to call It?

How to recover the innocence of truth?

To recover it in front, ahead, beyond our present condition, in a material becoming yet to be discovered?

The body aspires to give itself entirely, without care for the others’ appreciations or expectations; the body aspires to learn directly from this Presence of truth which is like another air and another life upon this earth. It so wishes to be released from the accoutrements and paraphernalia of all the inculcated lore and stored habits and to be purified from the miasma of all the absorbed anguish, dread and fears. The body aspires to find again the unconditional trust in That which can and knows, in That Supreme Inhabitant – in Its sovereign harmony capable of ruling everything, each and every detail at each and every instant. The body aspires to be delivered from the contradictions the invisible agents of which keep perpetuating and seeding disharmony, disorder, disease and degradation and waste. The body aspires to exist only by That, in That and for That, beyond all instrumental laws and all dualities, to thereafter depend only on That to live on as well as to die, to remain as well as to leave, to manifest as well as to disappear into rest.



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