How to call It?

remain free and inwardly connected… linked, joined … to what, to which source? It is a rather short respite for soon enough there will come efforts to end it and to inculcate in us the sense of right and wrong, good and evil, of what is to be sought and what is to be shunned and may not be expressed. As long as we exist in living bodies, we are bound by the characteristics and configurations that presided over the formation of this unique and particular material organism to which each of us finds oneself identified. According to the culture and the social class into which one has this time taken birth and lived one’s childhood, different conditionings will have done their work – for one’s good of course, to equip and provide one as far as possible against all the dangers and hazards of the journey, it is understood! In this way each of us is bestowed and purveyed and weighed down, harnessed and impregnated – and made indebted - with one assemblage or another of practices one must either emulate or condemn, of examples one must either follow or flee, of acts to be saluted or repudiated, of thoughts and impulses to be cherished or repelled and repressed, of influences to be sought or rejected as well as with a sort of plan and a list of objectives one must strive to somehow realize.

In the animals mankind has not yet domesticated, this primal innocence remains wholesome, which is the mark of creatures still united with their own nature: nothing has come to corrupt this integrity, nothing has come to sow doubt and separation.


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