How to call It?
What, in the fact of being provided with an individual human body, is so unique and irreplaceable?
Is it because the individualized consciousness may therein concretely meet and discover the Self midst the infinite diversity of the One, in the manifestation of its limitless possibilities, as in the progressive realization of its plenitude? Is it not this very experience which draws us again and again like a magnet and develops and becomes richer from body to body and life to life?
But then why are shadow and menace brooding over this earth?
Why these unnamable wars and sordid wastes and monstrous growths, why all this shame?
What is this battle, and who are the combatants?
Because, you understand, the question is serious: if for the world to exist as it is, it has to be really separate, and if being really separate is the cause of all misery, then...
If, in order to have the concrete experience of the meeting within the infinite diversity of the One, if in order to develop the true consciousness in an enduring, evolving physical manifestation, one must accept the separation – which is the cause of all contradictions, disharmonies and suffering… then, what? Is this a matter of some ancient amnesia that persists since the first immersions in the primordial waters of Matter?
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