How to call It?
Numerous times Douce Mere had the experience in Her body of this illusion: the sordid misery, the ever satisfied mediocrity, the incomprehensible sufferings, the will and thrill of inflicting pain and all the horrors and the perpetual pettiness, the deceit and mendacity, falsity and degeneration, decay and death… why, what for? How could all of this ever have been allowed, manifested and spread and installed as reality? Is that the price to be paid in order to emerge from Matter’ initial obscurity and inconscience? In such moments She would say that She could understand those who, like Buddha, declared this world to be an illusion out of which one simply had to step, which one simply had to renounce. But She would add: this is but the first part of the solution. It is for the true consciousness, here, in Matter and in the body, to “take position”: to refuse this falsehood and to dissolve it, to make room for the world and the state of truth.
This was in 1969.
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