How to call It?

questions, perceptions, needs and feelings and sentiments which we strive to render meaningful, till our very last breath.

Our apprehension of Matter, from the heat of the body, the hardness of the stone, the vigorous solidity of the tree trunk, the scent of the mire or that of the rain in the wind, to the sight of the bluish sphere of the earth in the space infinite, as our awe of a jealous and ruthless god, of exclusive higher domains and puissant rival entities, all the way to the concept of an unknowable supreme being, in their twin evolutions, have accompanied us to this moment of transition. Presently we are confronted, however well-equipped, intelligent and cultured we may be, with a reality so incommensurable, so complex and so indifferent to our discourse as to our most brilliant representations, that all of our concepts, whether religious, philosophical, sociopolitical, technological or scientific, are condemned to ridicule or insignificance. And yet, the deeply rooted certainty endures in each of us that this, all of this and our own existence midst the dust of the stars cannot be accidental – there is a sense, there is an evolution, there is a becoming and there is a plenitude to be reached. But how, even fitted or provided with the most sophisticated performing engines, shall we ever be able to unite with this sense and be fulfilled in it? Shall we not forever remain separated, whatever may happen, and even reduced to stratagems of intelligence and brought to a dead-end – the defeat of Life itself?


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