How to call It?
The first is an ever more comprehensive movement of integration, ever richer and more attentive to the diversity as to the truth inherent in every experience, which raises and heightens the human stature by liberating it from its fears, rigidities, barriers and limitations and opening it to the concrete possibility of actual fraternity. The second movement is animated by tendencies which, in their separate pursuits, often become contradictory: the quest for autonomy and release from all servitudes; the quest for prosperity; the quest for power over Matter and circumstances; the quest for permanence; the quest for the secrets of creation; the quest for enjoyment and delight; the quest for inclusive social harmony and a minimum of ensured equality for all; the quest for health, immunity, invincibility, corporeal mastery and prolongation at will of the individual physical existence; the quest for tools and instruments able to intelligently serve the needs of the human being; the quest for superhuman capacities; the quest for new explorations and conquests…
If terrestrial evolution appears today to be rushing towards disaster, is it not due to the lack of an essential, a primordial and most necessary quest on the part of the dominating species, the quest for the True? This irreplaceable quest, which remains still the imprisoned hostage of the conflict between religion and free-will, alone can guarantee the integrity of outer developments: without it, everything is corruptible and fast profits take precedence and the shadows grow of the destruction to come.
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