How to call It?
consciousness – so that its milieu may become propitious and receptive to the meeting of the consciousness which is to replace the mind at the prow of the evolution. In the domain of expression, one of the effects of this retreat – and of this orientation – is that one can no longer refer to anything but to direct experience; it is thus impossible for me, or would be unbearable, to write anything that is not founded on experience. Nonetheless, since the words used remain the same, they may appear as ordinary, even though the sentence is charged with a density or a depth or an amplitude that arise from this experience which seeks to communicate itself. A requisite of fidelity renders any explanation so insufficient that it seems almost to betray the sense or substance of what has been experienced; it is therefore necessary for those who will read these lines to establish for instance a sort of porosity or receptivity that will favor the intuitive sense rather than the intellectual reasoning. A day surely shall come, perhaps soon, when we will be able to communicate and share instantly without any words or artifacts.
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