How to call It?

Neither the vital nor the mental forces were able to liberate it from the separation.

They could only mitigate it, refine it and make it richer and more diverse and attractive, they could multiply and enhance its sensorial experience, they could “civilize” it.

But it remains.

The body feels and knows, with an illogical, irrational and improbable knowing, a knowing which has yet no other proof than its own faith, that the Consciousness-Force which descends like a white sword of the purest Light, an infinite axis traversing it with all the knowledge and all the love of all the universes, CAN liberate it – and will.


How to find, how to learn the new process or operative mode, as one learns a new breathing technique or finally identifies the tiny nerve connection to a small muscular movement ignored until then? The body senses that it is not a matter of intensive askesis or of obtaining some spectacular so-called superhuman physical power, but rather of a humble, essential, direct and simple accession to a material and corporeal reality which is open to other dimensions heretofore unknown, unseen or unperceived.



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