How to call It?
Where are we now?
Overpopulation: calculations have been made, so as to determine what would be the invested surface, should the entire human population of the Earth be assembled and gathered, while accounting for each body an average vital space – and just one single State of America would suffice. But such reckoning omits or ignores our immense disorder, this mess of things that we have everywhere scattered and dumped: the number and variety of those objects a single human being is able to acquire, accumulate and hoard, give away, dispose of or throw, bears no relation with the size of a single physical body. Today, Earth is littered with an incalculable mass of separate objects, which no longer respond to any will; its very atmosphere is strewn with thousands upon thousands of discarded pieces and parts and used-up machines which go on orbiting out of inertia around her (perhaps forever?). Therefore our sciences now strive to refine their approach of artificial intelligence as a means to repair, fix or mitigate the damage with the help of robotized contraptions it will enable us to fabricate, equipped with self-destructing mechanisms.
But it is the direct communication with the whole, the conscious realization of the whole and its fluxes, that we must find and by which we must grow greater and truer.
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