How to call It?
And how, how to call It, or Her, how to serve the veritable harmony of the worlds, their veritable progress, when one is hampered and rushed by the press of the customers, the emergency in the theater, the flange that gives, the toddler who chokes, the kids hitting one another in the courtyard, the gas leak north of the mine, the hurricane approaching, the government falling? And then one no longer knows: for what must one call, to what end, what must one strive to save first, what do we know of what is to be realized so that there can be continuous progress everywhere, towards the reign of an evolving equilibrium in Matter? Why must these millions of animals, of creatures as precious – or as indifferent – as the human, burn alive? We the humans, who have transgressed all the laws of Nature and claimed the right to master Her, to use Her and plunder Her at will, we who still claim our privilege of educated hunters, do we mourn and grieve for Her still innocent children, do we weep for the injustice that makes them perish in the raging furnace? Yes indeed, let us lay all of our vigor and ardor and aspiration and all of our faith into this call – to a Consciousness which waits for and seeks in us the signs of our receptivity so it can establish and incarnate here itself its Law of Truth. And we may call it any way we want, give it the name that suits us best, this Consciousness-Force belongs to no school, no religion, no party, no species, no world – It is the becoming that will justify all the pasts.
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