How to call It?
Our human past is vitiated by the will for power which, under the cover of separation, has incessantly invested all our effort and progress. Yet, to enter Mother’s Yoga, one must accept to pass through the eye of a needle – to die to the ego, to abandon all egoistic seeking, to offer all to That without any condition or demand, with the child’s trust that whatever is awaiting on the other side is incomparably superior.
Truth is the eye of the needle that opens unto the Real.
It is the True one wants, it is the True that is our home, our foundation and our power – Auram, the gold child under the white Force.
And because it is still so rare for us to be wanting the Truth, our images of a superior being and of an ideal human perfection, arise from our separate formations: we cannot mentally represent to ourselves any mode of existence which would not be situated in relation to the universe, separate, seemingly autonomous and independently powerful: these are tableaux of romanticized super performance in which the protagonists move and change appearances at will, comprehend every language and can parry every attack and shift across time and space at whim…
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