How to call It?
And what may initially appear as too extreme a demand and too radical an ordeal, soon avers a releasing disentanglement and a deliverance.
It is a burden that is undone, it is a painful illusion that dissipates.
For Auram is constantly, continuously, infallibly and irreducibly conscious of the Presence, conscious of the One in all that is – and herein lies the true security and herein lies the true liberty and herein lies the true identity.
The human individuality generally considers as legitimate, natural and in the “order of things” to own affective needs and to seek their resolution or fulfillment in its relations with others. But no human being can utterly and lastingly answer this expectation, nor can it ever fill this gaping hollowness that haunts us.
And when we find at last, or find again, this Presence – its force and its light and its clear-sightedness and its loving, incorruptible, unlimited solicitude, it is the self-evidence of the one sure source and the one true Master that is revealed.
We know then that all of our deep and real needs will therein receive their answer and their power of existence.
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