How to call It?
to oneself this living perfection one senses ahead of us and the advent of which one wishes so fervently; is it the fear of exposing it to negativity, to ridicule, to imitation or to misuse, or is it a lack of confidence or faith, or is it prudence, or is it the silence of reverence? When one is listening, within the dense, busy thickets of the organic life of our body, how does its aspiration or its quest of awareness behave? And does this behavior have a cellular impact or expression? Like a small prescient but impuissant being awakening within an organic environment that feels heavy and complicated, this consciousness which is rising and finding itself trapped, dependent on an ensemble of complementary but constraining and vulnerable functions, seeks passages and openings, burrows and scouts for cellular movements that could initiate or contribute to a material cohesion more receptive and better expressive of the Presence. These are the gropings of a blind being in a cluttered room of which it recognizes the parts but which now suffocates and prisons and fetters it to the evolutionary past: it is not of one or several additional parts it has need, but of a change in relations, of an opening at every point, of a collaboration of all the elements for a reordering, a cleansing and a new birth. To discover and identify new processes or methods for drawing or generating the energy necessary to constant renewal, so as to no longer depend on external inputs which must be decomposed, converted and assimilated. Where do its accents rest? Where do its intuitions wake?
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