How to call It?

one another and from the source, or more apt to rightly perceive, discern and act, that we are more capable to draw from inner resources of courage, endurance, probity or intuition? Isolated from each other by our miniature headphones and viewers, our attention fed by our predilections of the moment to the exclusion of any intrusion, like contiguous bubbles navigating in the same milieu without meeting, we form a tableau that might be hilarious if it was not also demonstrative of our failure and defeat and our inability to make conscious use of the means given us – conscious, useful, in the sense of serving the progress of our consciousnesses and of our personal and collective conducts. Yet there is, in the body, like a child’s voice, a fervor, an eagerness to understand the functioning of this universe and of all its parts, to impregnate with the sense of the processes and behaviors of Matter and of all living beings – and to this end, access to clear and objective information on all subjects constitutes an invaluable instrument of study and research, insofar as it is free of ideologies and as exact as possible.

It is through the body that we can recover the innocence and simplicity which are now indispensable in order to grasp and sense the paths of tomorrow – of a future which will reconcile all contraries and sustain the quest for the manifest True.



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