Another Choice

The yeast in the dark

It has become evident to one that our past and our future do not conjugate according to the limited time-span of this body.

We perceive, without precision but intensely, that this inner being of which we are making the gradual discovery and whose action we feel, implies and bears the work of many lives and that its law of truth must have sieved and integrated very many experiences and dramas.

And we then unveil another mystery.

Each one of us carries in oneself an aspect, a form or a current of the Contradiction, of what demands and exacts separation in order to accomplish itself, of what denies Unity for the sake of its own independent creation.

And thus the tests now present themselves.


As the contact grows firmer and more actual in our life, the questions become more precise and charged with urgency.

And an odd phenomenon seems to repeat itself, as if a lesson that grows more important every time: we observe that others sometimes address themselves in us or through us to something or someone that is not us, but like a double or a shadow, if not an impostor or a clandestine passenger. Whether it is that they react or respond to something we are not aware of having emitted, or that they project onto us as on a mirror something that haunts them and is yet alien to us: we have the weird impression of being used without our knowing and made responsible for acts and attitudes or expressions which we actually ignore.

And then we understand little by little that it is in fact a case of a dual phenomenon: our increasing contact with the inner presence emanates something like a subtle radiation which


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