Another Choice
Into the matter
It is as if man were a long passage, a bridge across the ages, from the animal to the “supramental” being, as Sri Aurobindo has named it – rather than “superman”, an appellation which lends itself to misunderstanding, as this is not a matter of a sublimated man endowed with overdeveloped powers, but one of a truth-consciousness incarnate.
This transition is dangerous – for the earth, for the whole of humanity.
For those powers which have reigned over human life in these many eras can now well feel that their very sway is being questioned and that for them too the time has come to offer themselves to another future and to rejoin in it their one common source – and most of them refuse this “end” and would rather conserve their fiefdoms and even would prefer for everything to disappear rather than renounce their puissance.
It does seem that we are today on the verge of a disaster, if not universal, at least terrestrial.
It is said and sometimes demonstrated that other disasters have preceded us on this adorable earth, as consequences of a moral breakdown and failure in civilizations which had developed in a manner too unequal and insalubrious.
Whatever may have been, it is most unlikely that the proportions we experience at present have ever been reached earlier in the entire course of human evolution upon earth.
Through the sheer force of numbers, we are confronted with multiple versions of what is the vilest in our nature and the most contrary to truth, while the unprecedented progresses in consciousness which we can also experience appear as fragile beacons on a devastating tide. And these technological advances about which we so brag, which can bring within the reach of almost everyone a whole range of satisfactions that only alienate us further from the necessary awareness, are actually acting as a hypnosis.
A hypnosis one could easily imagine being the effect of a deliberate enterprise conducted by antagonist forces whose aim would be to prevent the evolutionary saltus to the next species.
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