Another Choice

presently exposes us: we are vulnerable because we seek for new answers - we need them to orient ourselves in this new geography.

What, whom can we trust, what are these wisdoms, this esoteric lore that shows itself in the half-light?

Wherefrom do these beautiful words come, these symbols that attract with their mystery, these promises of realization that suddenly appear to then fade away into nowhere?

What is this equivoque out of which rise all these suggestions?

Is there not a clear path, an impartial process, a proven way?


Does a Master exist, a Person to whom one may abandon oneself unreservedly, of whom one may unhesitatingly follow the instructions, who may enlighten us with a truly superior light?


Weeks and months pass.

We grope on.

Sometimes we trip and fall and hurt ourselves or even, unwittingly, wound those who stand near.

One learns a new alphabet, of a language which needs no words or thoughts.

One learns to put one’s questions, even indefinable – our interrogations, our need of direction –, to the silence and, in silence, to wait.

And these are not answers that come, but inflexions: something between a feeling, a perception, an intuition, a contact – but it has a direction, it goes somewhere.



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