Another Choice

Who is this guide?

We enter into a perilous zone.

The limits which circumscribe and reinforce the ordinary reality we all share in our physical consciousness and by which we are, as if in a terrestrial formation, supported and held in from the infinity of space and time, these limits which situate and determine us in the material world, have lost for us their sovereignty.

We no longer subscribe entirely or blindly to them.

They are no longer wholly credible.

We are, unwittingly and inexplicably, distanced and we find ourselves less closely identified with these ramparts of conventions that encircle human existence.

We now understand that our edifices are founded on dualities – which now seem to us arbitrary, crude and simplistic.

Masculine and feminine, good and evil, death and life, light and obscurity – the near and the far, love and hate, a functioning through opposition and comparison, the positive and the negative sharing the universe in two -: a kind of perplexity, if not altogether a revolt, takes over.

To which knowledge do we all refer?


We become aware of a sort of witness whom we also are, as if somewhere which we cannot grasp and yet we perceive we were attending, detached, the scenes of our life.

The physical tridimensional reality appears to us now as a kind of fabrication, itself floating within other dimensions, contained in them.



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