Another Choice
This condition whereby we constantly sought an advantage in any situation and the will to exploit served us as a directing antenna and it was natural and legitimate to us to adapt our behavior according to our personal wants and desires, even though we still grasp its drive, appears now almost foreign, or distant like an evolutionary past.
It is then that a rather formidable ensemble, at the human scale, of actions, situations and experiences, empties itself for us of any meaning and actuality: we simply have ceased responding to it, we are no longer part of it or in it. And yet it is possible that each of us keeps a kind of unique connivance with the old thirst for power, with the old will for a separate edifice or creation, carrying forward an individual representation of the contradiction central to the human condition, until is met the occasion of an ultimate offering.
As in a journey of which we have forgotten so many stages, we now reach a place or a state devoid of signs or landmarks.
All sorts of notions, ordinarily deemed as crucial or held as irrefutable, appear now as slightly absurd, almost comical – errors of judgment due to an absence of perspective or an obstruction of the perception.
It is not that we have acquired any new, superior certitude which we could now share in similar terms, it is rather that we have begun to exist differently, from another center of gravity.
Without our being able to understand how, to designate a cause or the action of any given law, a shift has happened in our awareness and our sense of being.
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