Another Choice
The necessity of the journey of initiation marked with successive ordeals and tests has translated differently here and there, according to the epochs and to the domains.
Any mastery, be it technical, artistic, scientific, occult, psychological, intellectual or spiritual used to demand and exact a corresponding training and initiation.
The most essential quest, that of the truth of existence, of the true being, whether it was undertaken by the novice of Ancient Egypt, the monk in the mountains of China, the lama on the high plateaus of Tibet, the sadhu on the winding multiple paths of India, the Cheyenne youth in the heart of the American forest, the apprentice healer on the steppes and cliffs of Mali – and whatever were the forms and rites of passage – necessarily led to a last and ultimate crossing: the meeting of death.
Alone before death, facing one’s own death.
Alone with this necessity to vanquish fear, to cross the threshold – to commit, alone, the act of faith.
When all the instincts, all the buried memories, all the life impulses retract and curl in terror, or when the ego seems to resign only so as to outplay the force of awakening rather than surrender to it, or an ultimate appraisal of a possible gain for the continuation of its career comes to interfere in the instant of the decisive step, it is then up to each one to find the courage and affirm consciousness and one’s fidelity to what IS.
As long as remains any craving for power, the movement of the quest is diverted and compromised and the discovery of union is prevented.
The habitation is not ready for the King to come forward, welcome by the instruments.
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