Another Choice
Is it not high time to find back our source, which alone can fulfill?
Of course we each have the hope that all will be well today and also tomorrow and, if we have the leisure to contemplate farther ahead, that all will even go better and better, as far as possible. We have the hope that we shall succeed in our endeavors, that we shall meet those who will bring us the most, and even that we shall be able to bring to others some benefit and to contribute somehow usefully to the collective welfare.
More than all else, however, we hope to one day be fulfilled, to be filled, to be healed from this void and this absence that haunt us.
On our way we have nonetheless realized that, if we were to expect all answers and all remedies from others and/or from circumstances, we would obviously risk hurtful disappointment, if not altogether the loss of hope. We have therefore begun to preach the cultivation of the moral person so as to temper our wants and demands, followed by that of the spiritual person so as to emancipate ourselves from the egoism natural to human beings.
To the moral person we have assigned the mission to moderate, channel, tame, domesticate and control, appease and pacify our most primitive instincts and impulses on the one hand and, on the other, to set up and install those lines of individual and collective development that would motivate and mobilize the capacities and the thrusts most constructive and most profitable to the largest number.
Codes of conduct have thus been defined and refined as our common references.
To the spiritual person we have assigned the function of awakener, discoverer and liberator, that would open ways of experience outside and above our human limitations so that those
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