Another Choice

The sense of effort begins to harass us as soon as we enter mental life, even before our bodies reach the adult age.

As soon as thought comes to confirm separation, we are placed under the harness and the yoke and we become the slaves of our own preservation.

We are placed before the absolute necessity to furnish some effort.

The child’s identification with the life-force is then compromised and hereafter every day and every action will demand of us an effort.

It is only insofar as our objectives and our aims may surpass our personal limitations that the tyranny of effort may be lessened and lightened by another, new identification to other energies of realization.

Self-giving produces self-forgetting and reduces the sense of separate effort.


Inertia under our feet, the necessity of effort in front, death at the end of the road: a triple curse seems to afflict human existence.

This separation is a suffering.


Oh, to be carried, to be borne!

Oh, to be one with energy!

Or else we say: “rather sink than continue with this drudgery, rather cease to be and disappear in nothingness – absorbed, dissolved!”


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