Another Choice

cease to be -, if we thus knew that each and all of us are indefectibly linked to our source of existence beyond time?

If we knew that our bodies can continue to adapt, to change and to progress as long as it proves necessary for our individual work of expression and manifestation?


Have we looked upstream from all these movements that lead and circumvent us in most of the relationships and situations occupying our lives?

Have we looked upstream from all the passions, from all the dramas, from all the pathos – from most of our emotional or moral suffering?

From these expectations, these demands, these fears that weave themselves into most of our relations to the others?


Entire sections of our human history thus buckle and fall, masses of dramas crumble and collapse, all these fortresses in which we had sheltered our passions and our wants and our dreams – of recognition, of permanence, of excellence -.are loosened, undone.

One looks at it.

One says to oneself: “whoa”!

One says to oneself: “oh, Lord!”

One says to oneself: “how to help?”



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