Another Choice
There are those who little by little gather and assemble the accessible faculties to concentrate them into a minute and conscientious study of the human adventure, so as to bring out the pregnant sense, the evolutionary import, the significance that reconciles all the opposites: it is their service to the world, it is their offering. And there are those who are in their body, with their body, as the starving fledgling that opens its beak wider and wider, as they sense and feel the presence – ungraspable, incomprehensible - of another physical state in this world: something else in the atmosphere, for which they thirst in another way, that they need in another way.
Something that perhaps the body itself recognizes as true salvation, this body that had to endure throughout the ages the arrogant yoke of whimsical and contrary masters.
The force of evolution is greater and stronger than that of death – for it uses it.
Is there a way within the body, with the body, out of the hypnosis?
One catches oneself watching – everyone around, people and things and life and situations, events and self-important dramas -, watching a little differently, a little freely, as if one was a little cleansed, as if one had shaken oneself alert and been unstuck from the formidable, deforming and dominating weight of death. From the instant we join ourselves, clumsy and ignorant and still obscured, to the evolutionary work, the entire human world, the whole edifice of our humanity, begins to show fissures and to crumble – our conventions, our identity markers, our laws and our customs, our practices and our lore, appear in a different light.
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