Another Choice

Where does the work of evolution begins?

Death bars our way.

No power as yet has been capable of making it yield and clear the road.

Death has no pity.


And why would we seek to last longer still, such as we are?

Never to cease from this charade?

Just because we may have this project, own that gift, possess this ability, this talent, this aptness or this quality, we would want to remain the same, for all times to come?


Today we may believe that through our technological feats, we shall at last be able to defy death and outplay it by investing our individual sense of being – know-how, self-perception, gifted and acquired abilities, memory and hopes, all transferred as information data into instrumental robots which will serve as our vehicles and our means of expression, freeing us in the same stroke of cunning, of all physiological need. It is to comprehend nothing of what consciousness is – of which the mental force and its organ the brain and the vital force and its organs of perception and action, are but the most evolved instruments at present upon earth.


So, there it is.


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