Another Choice
There is thus a kind of illusion in the belief that alone exists this material life, that alone is real this material world.
However this discovery hardly relieves us of the weight of death.
No one, till this day, has been able to prove that there is a continued personal existence after the death of the body and the cessation of the material instruments.
We do have indeed our ghosts and apparitions and our various communications with what we call our “departed ones”.
But these are only jumbles of meaning or scattered features, not the entire person whom we have known.
And perhaps there is for this a good reason: it is perhaps a boon.
Our frontal personality, our identity as a separate individual and conscious member of the collectivity, forms and composes itself, agglomerates and organizes itself through a kind of incessant working out with the materials, elements and clues that are passed on to us, genetically and biologically first of all, and then through our environment and circumstances on the one hand and on the other and simultaneously through our own unique orientation and our own progressive ability to chose and to assimilate.
Confronted with our precariousness as creatures, we are also subjected to a subconscious load which weighs and drags all our responses.
In this process of the formation of the personality, the other’s eyes play a considerable role.
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